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BBL ForeverYoung

While achieving smoother, more stretched and brighter skin, intervention to the process of aging in genetical terms...

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Was ist Lachs-DNA?

Heutzutage werden viele verschiedene Behandlungsmethoden entwickelt, um die Hautstruktur zu stärken und zu erneuern. Eine der wirksamsten Methoden dafür ist der Lachs-DNA-Impfstoff. Die sehr beliebte Lachs-DNA-Behandlung ist eine der Anti-Aging-Methoden, bei der reine Hyaluronsäure und aus Lachsfischsperma gewonnene Polynukleotide zur Zellregeneration in der Haut verwendet werden. Lachs-DNA ist eines der besten Antioxidantien.

Es wird allgemein auch als Jugendimpfstoff bezeichnet. Aufgrund seiner schnellen Erneuerungs- und Verjüngungswirkung wird sie weithin als eine sehr zuverlässige und wirksame Methode nachgefragt.

Es enthält die DNA von Lachsfischen. Die DNA des Lachses enthält die DNA-Struktur, die der menschlichen DNA am ähnlichsten ist. Aus diesem Grund stimuliert die in Menschen injizierte Lachs-DNA die Produktion von Kollagen stark, indem sie die DNA-Struktur der Person beeinflusst, und es zeigt sich, dass die Haut der Person normalerweise innerhalb eines Zeitraums von 3 bis 4 Monaten straffer und voller wird. Es reduziert den Kollagenverlust und Falten, insbesondere im Augenbereich. Es stärkt die Hautstruktur in jeder Sitzung, erhöht die Elastizität und Spannung und beugt Schäden durch Sonnenstrahlen vor.

Die Lachs-DNA-Methode kann allein oder in Kombination mit PRP-, Botox- und Filler-Anwendungen angewendet werden.

Welche Vorteile hat Lachs-DNA für die Haut?

Die Lachs-DNA-Behandlung hat folgende drei wichtigste Vorteile für die Haut.

  • Der erste wichtige Vorteil ist die zusätzliche Feuchtigkeitsversorgung der Haut. Lachs-DNA enthält einen hohen Anteil an Hyaluronsäure. Hyaluronsäure ist äußerst hilfreich bei der Befeuchtung der Haut.

  • Der zweite wichtige Vorteil besteht darin, dass die Haut dadurch lebendiger, strahlender und glänzender aussieht. Dafür sorgt es mit seinen angereicherten Inhalten wie Vitaminen, Mineralien, Aminosäuren, Proteinen, anorganischen Salzen.

  • Der dritte wichtige Vorteil ist die Stimulierung der Kollagenproduktion. Es kommt zu einer sichtbaren Verbesserung der Hauterschlaffung.

Wie wird der Lachs-DNA-Impfstoff angewendet?

Vor der Anwendung des Lachs-DNA-Impfstoffs ist keine Vollnarkose erforderlich, da es sich um eine schmerzlose Anwendung handelt. Unmittelbar vor Beginn der Anwendung wird jedoch der zu behandelnde Bereich mit einer antiseptischen Flüssigkeit gereinigt und eine Lokalanästhesiecreme aufgetragen. Dank der aufgetragenen Creme sind keine Schmerzen zu spüren.

Die Lachs-DNA-Behandlung wird mit feinen Botox-Nadeln unter die Haut angewendet. Der Vorgang dauert ca. 20-30 Minuten. Die Wirkung setzt bereits am selben Tag ein, die Verjüngung und Straffung der Haut ist bereits am nächsten Tag sichtbar.

In welchen Situationen ist eine Lachs-DNA-Anwendung erforderlich?

Der Lachs-DNA-Jugendimpfstoff kann bei allen Patienten angewendet werden, unabhängig davon, ob sie männlich, weiblich, jung oder alt sind. Da sie zu jeder Jahreszeit angewendet werden kann und eine praktische Methode ist, ist sie eine sehr verbreitete Mesotherapie-Methode zur Beseitigung von Hautproblemen.

In vielen Fällen ist die Anwendung von Lachs-DANN-Behandlung erforderlich. Dies sind normalerweise;

Lachs-DNA-Behandlung wird in folgenden Fällen angewendet:

  • Bei der Behandlung von Mitessern und Aknenarben, die sich im Laufe der Zeit auf der Haut bilden,
  • Bei der Korrektur der Hautstruktur, die sich aufgrund der Hormonumstellung in den Wechseljahren bei Frauen verschlechtert,
  • Bei den Hauterkrankungen, die durch den unregelmäßigen Drogenkonsum oder durch die Nebenwirkungen einiger Medikamente verursacht werden,
  • In Fällen, in denen die Haut aufgrund intensiver Belastung ihre Vitalität verliert,
  • Bei der Reduzierung des Auftretens von Rissen in der Haut nach Schwangerschaft oder Gewichtsverlust,
  • Um das Aussehen von Händen zu verbessern, die durch Alterung oder schwere Arbeit abgenutzt sind,
  • Bei der Beseitigung von Erschlaffungen an den Innenseiten der Arme und Knie,
  • Bei der Reduzierung festsitzender Mimiklinien,
  • Bei der Beseitigung des orangenartigen Erscheinungsbilds auf der Haut
  • Um der Haut bei sehr trockener Haut Feuchtigkeit zu spenden,
  • Bei der Behandlung altersbedingter Hautfalten,
  • Um der Haut, die ihr Feuchtigkeitsgleichgewicht verloren hat, die nötige Feuchtigkeit zuzuführen und ihr Feuchtigkeit, Glanz und Strahlkraft zu verleihen,
  • Bei der Behandlung von Aknenarben,
  • Reduzierung von blauen Flecken unter den Augen und Aufhellung der Augenpartie,
  • Bei der Behandlung von Falten an Hals, Dekolleté und Händen sowie bei Verjüngungsbehandlungen dieser Schatten,
  • Zur Beseitigung von Körperrissen.

Da diese Anwendung außerdem zellregenerationsfördernd ist, verhindert die Lachsmilch auch ein Erschlaffen der Haut. Durch die Verringerung des Elastizitätsverlusts werden Falten, insbesondere im Augenbereich, gemildert und nach einiger Zeit vollständig zerstört. Diese Praxis wurde klinisch nachgewiesen und ist ein hochwirksames Protokoll.

Die Anwendung von Lachs-DNA beugt Strahlenschäden der Haut vor und sorgt für eine glatte, gesündere und strahlendere Haut.

Auf wen wird Lachs-DNA nicht angewendet?

Der Lachs-DNA-Jugendimpfstoff ist eine Hautverjüngungsmethode, die grundsätzlich bei jedem angewendet werden kann. In manchen Fällen sollte der Lachs-DNA-Impfstoff jedoch nicht angewendet werden. Es ist möglich, diese Situationen wie folgt kurz aufzulisten;

Die Anwendung bei den folgenden Personen wird nicht empfohlen:

  • Bei Diabetespatienten,
  • Bei Diejenigen, die Arteriosklerose und Schlaganfall in der Vorgeschichte haben,
  • Bei Diejenigen, die Blutgerinnungsstörung haben,
  • Bei Diejenigen, die Herzerkrankungen haben,
  • Bei schwangeren und stillende Frauen.

In welchen Bereichen wird Lachs-DNA angewendet?

Obwohl es überall dort angewendet werden kann, wo die Haut Feuchtigkeit benötigt, wenden wir es im Allgemeinen auf die Stirn, das Gesicht, die Augenpartie, den Hals, die Hände und den Dekolletébereich an. Es beseitigt deutlich die Auswirkungen der Alterung, indem es der Augenpartie Glanz verleiht und Falten beseitigt.

In welcher Jahreszeit wird Lachs-DNA angewendet?

Es kann in jeder Jahreszeit und auf allen Hauttypen angewendet werden. Besonders wenn es vor dem Sommer angewendet wird, sorgt es für einen besseren Schutz der Haut vor Sonnenstrahlen.

Wie oft und wie viele Sitzungen sollte die Lachs-DNA-Anwendung durchgeführt werden?

Die Dauer der Lachs-DNA-Behandlung und die Anzahl der durchzuführenden Sitzungen richten sich nach der von Ihrem Arzt durchzuführenden Hautanalyse.

Lachs-DNA-Verfahren sollten in 4–5 Sitzungen durchgeführt werden, normalerweise alle 14 Tage. Die Anzahl und der Abstand der Sitzungen können je nach Hautzustand, Alter des Patienten und Anwendungszweck variieren. Bei höherem Alter und abgenutzter Haut können längere Sitzungen angewendet werden. Nach jeder Anwendung werden Sie die Veränderung und Vitalität Ihrer Haut spüren.

Wann zeigt Lachs-DNA ihre Wirkung?           

Die Lachs-DNA-Behandlung zeigt ihre Wirkung nach 3-4 Sitzungen. Nach Abschluss der Behandlung setzt sich die Verbesserung des Hautbildes und die Steigerung der Kollagenproduktion innerhalb von Monaten fort. Nach Abschluss dieser 4–5 Sitzungen ist es wichtig, den Vorgang zu wiederholen, z.B. eine Sitzung nach 1 Jahr oder eine Sitzung alle 6 Monate, um die Wirkungsdauer zu verlängern.

Was sollte vor der Anwendung von Lachs-DNA beachtet werden?

Was sollte man eine Woche vor dem Anwendungstermin tun:

  1. Blutverdünner sollten abgesetzt werden,
  2. Kein Alkohol sollte konsumiert werden,
  3. Anwendungen, die die Haut schälen und empfindlich machen, wie z.B. Schrubben oder Peeling, sollten nicht durchgeführt werden.
  4. Cremes mit Glykolsäure sollten nicht verwendet werden,
  5. Der zu behandelnde Bereich sollte vor der Sonne geschützt und Sonnenschutzmittel verwendet werden.
  6. Schließlich sollte am Tag der Anwendung kein Make-up aufgetragen werden.

Was ist nach der Anwendung von Lachs-DNA zu beachten?

Der DNA-Impfstoff für Jugendliche schadet der menschlichen Gesundheit nicht. Darüber hinaus wurde durch Studien nachgewiesen, dass kein Allergierisiko besteht. Nach dem Injektionsvorgang sind jedoch einige Punkte zu beachten.

  1. Blutverdünner sollten nach der Anwendung nicht mehr verwendet werden.
  2. Es ist auch sehr wichtig, die Haut nach der Anwendung vor Sonnenstrahlen zu schützen. Man sollte auf jeden Fall mit einem zuverlässigen Sonnenschutzmittel ausgehen.
  3. Ebenso wie vor der Anwendung sollten die Verfahren, die die Haut schälen, für eine Weile danach vermieden werden.
  4. Es ist sehr wichtig, insbesondere in den ersten 24 Stunden Körperkontakt und Wasserkontakt mit dem Anwendungsbereich zu vermeiden, um keine allergischen Reaktionen hervorzurufen.
  5. Sport sollte in den ersten 24 Stunden nicht getrieben werden.
  6. Um die Lebensdauer der Hyaluronsäure zu verlängern, sollten generell keine übermäßig heißen Bäder genommen, Bäder, Saunen, Solarien nicht betreten und extreme Hitze vermieden werden.
  7. Gewohnheiten wie Alkohol-Trinken und Rauchen sollten, falls vorhanden, gestoppt oder minimiert werden.
  8. Das Auftragen von Eis nach der Anwendung ist vorteilhaft, da es die Beschwerden über Rötungen und Blutergüsse lindert.
  9. Man soll viel Wasser trinken.

Welche Nebenwirkungen hat die Anwendung von Lachs-DNA (Jugendimpfstoff)?

Diese gesundheitlich unbedenkliche Anwendung hat überhaupt keine schwerwiegenden Nebenwirkungen.

Da es nach der Anwendung keine Spuren oder Symptome zeigt, müssen Sie während der Fortsetzung der Behandlung keine Pause vom Alltag einlegen. Allerdings kann es bei empfindlicher Haut in manchen Fällen aufgrund der Nadelspitze zu leichten Rötungen, Juckreiz, Brennen, Ödemen und Blutergüssen kommen. Obwohl diese Situation kein ernstes Problem darstellt, verschwinden Rötungen und blaue Flecken in kurzer Zeit, etwa einem halben Tag.

Was sind die Preise für Lachs-DNA in Zypern?

Der Preis für die Lachs-DNA-Anwendung variiert je nach Hautproblemen und Anzahl der Sitzungen. Sie können uns sofort kontaktieren, um Informationen zu den Preisen für die Anwendung von Lachs-DNA in Zypern zu erhalten.

BBL__Forever Young__

What if we say it is possible to have smoother, more stretched and brighter skin while also genetically intervening the aging process… It is not the destiny but it is in your hands to control your youth with BBL ForeverYoung, a FDA-approved new generation light therapy!

How can we control aging process? Until today, your nutrition, smoking-alcohol use, stress and exercise history have been variables that could be intervened, however your genetic structure could not be intervened. Having superior light technology, BBL ForeverYoung machine has managed to intervene the genetic dimension of aging.

In the skins treated by ForeverYoung BBL, about 1000 RNA could be renewed and the gene profile of the young skins was reached. RNA renewal means reducing wrinkles and blemishes, treatment of visible capillary vessels, further rejuvenating and tightening the skin.

Having been used in the USA and Europe for years, this method met you as a brand new antiaging method with supplementary procedures at Cyprus Medi Clinic.

What is BBL ForeverYoung?

bbl forever young

BBL ForeverYoung is a safe, comfortable and effective aesthetic treatment method which addresses aesthetical problems that occur in the skin due to aging or other reasons through the use of BBL (BroadBandLight) Laser.

During the treatment, the target tissue responds the absorbed thermal energy without damaging the surrounding tissue. BBL laser is called Forever Young because it is featured as the only machine observed to change visible signs of aging.

BroadBand technology is a flashlamb technology which filters and strengthens the light on the basis of the effects of the light on the living creatures. Studies done in Stanford University prove that BBL technology rejuvenated the genetic material of the skin.

BBL is not only effective on a certain skin problem but also provides treatment options on every layer of the skin by using several filters between 400 and 1200 nanometers. The treatment is tailor made. It allows treatment in the blemishes, capillary vessels and loss of elasticity. The wavelength is determined based on the person’s skin type and skin problems to be treated.

Having been developed by filtering the harmful parts of the light and taking the useful parts of the light, this method remarkably improves the DNA structure and affects the RNA structure which is effective in collagen production. It increases the production of collagen which reduces as we are aging and causes skin aging. Genetic studies found that more than 1000 genes were renewed at clinic results.

BBL is FDA-approved treatment technique which stops aging.

OPERATION TIME 1-1.5 hours
NET RESULT 2-3 weeks
REPEAT TIME 4-6 session
WARNING Sun protection required
NOTE Continuity is very important

Can BBL ForeverYoung Stop Skin Aging?

People who obtain desired results with BBL ForeverYoung treatment can apparently stop skin aging if they continue to have this procedure once a year. This was proven with clinic studies.

The patients who regularly have BBL ForeverYoung treatment for 10 years demonstrated 8-15 years younger looks, healthier skin. This 10 years’ analysis involved people who looked almost younger than the start time of the treatment.

Who Can Have BBL ForeverYoung Treatment?

  • Those having pigmentation problems such as sun and age spots
  • Those complaining about loss of elasticity in their skin
  • Those looking for an effective treatment for fine lines and wrinkles
  • Those desiring a brighter, shinier skin
  • Those having capillary vessel problem in their skin
  • Those desiring to maintain youth for long
  • Those desiring younger, smoother body
  • Those desiring to even out their skin tone
  • Those with active acne complaints

Who Cannot Have BBL Procedure?

BBL For Ever Young procedure is safe and comfortable but we cannot apply it on some patient groups for medical reasons.

  • It is not suitable for persons who have tanned skin due to sun or solarium.
  • It cannot be applied if the person has open, infected wound on their face or body.
  • It cannot be applied on Pregnant and Nursing women.
  • It cannot be applied on persons taking blood thinners.


On Which Parts of the Body Can BBL For Ever Young Be Applied?

BBL treatment is an effective treatment which puts a smile on one’s face as it reverses the signs of aging on the face, neck, low-neck and hands. It can be applied on every part of the body with the signs of aging including belly, arms and back.

How Is BBL ForeverYoung Treatment Applied?

Persons visiting our clinic for the conditions leading to aesthetic concerns and diseases are primarily examined by our physician to clearly determine the problems encountered. A treatment plan is created thereby deciding on how BBL ForeverYoung treatment will be applied in tailor made.

Prior to BBL ForeverYoung treatment, the areas on which the procedure will be applied are cleansed by an antiseptic solution. Your eyes are protected by safety shields or glasses. The treatment lasts about 30 minutes and ultrasound gel is used to make BBL Laser beam more effective on the skin. Applied by the filters which are custom-selected according to the skin problem and skin structure of the person, BBL Laser is swept on the whole problematic area for an appropriate time.

Is BBL Procedure Painful?

Although it is in high energy levels due to the cooling applicator of the BBL technology, the procedure is almost painless. However, there can be feeling of heat.

How Long is the Recovery Period after BBL Treatment?

It is very significant to follow the physician’s treatment plan immediately after the treatment. Slight redness is normal on the skin following the application and this recovers in a few hours. The blemishes and spots on the skin might appear to be darker in 7-10 days following the procedure. These darker spots will eventually form a scab and pour out and then get lost and apparently fade.

You will be vulnerable to sunrays after the treatment; therefore you should avoid direct sunrays until it completely recovers. You should fully cover your skin and put on a first-class sunscreen while you are outside.

You do not need to get rest after the procedure. You can continue your daily life as usual after the procedure.

How Many Sessions Are Needed for the Procedure?

The number and duration of sessions varies by the skin problems and requirements of the patient. It is sufficient to have 3-6 sessions with 1 month intervals. The sessions are 15-60 minutes and they vary by the type of treatment applied. It is recommended to have another cure 1 year after the completion of your custom selected treatment cure so that the positive effects of the treatment can continue. Let’s say you had one BBL cure, i.e. 4 sessions. The session intervals are 1 month, thus the cure lasts 4 months. You can have another cure after 8 months’ break.

Your physician can combine your treatment with other popular aesthetic procedures in order to optimize your results if deemed necessary.

Can BBL Be Applied in Summer Months?

BBL treatment can be applied four seasons, however; it can be applied during summer months on condition that sunscreen is used. Spot treatments are not recommended during summer months.

Is There An Age Restriction For The Treatment?

There is no age restriction for the treatment. BBL ForeverYoung is not a standard beauty care. This anti-aging procedure is the best investment on the skin for everybody. It can be applied on both women and men with almost all skin types.

What Are The Things to Take Into Consideration After BBL Spot Treatment?

  • Relieve the area by ice compression at certain intervals in the first 24 hours.
  • Do not expose the area to water; do not take a shower on the first day.
  • Do not aggressively rub the skin, do not apply massage and avoid impact.
  • Avoid cold and hot water during the time stated by your physician; cleanse your skin with warm water.
  • Men should not shave in the first week in the procedures applied on the face.
  • You should avoid makeup during the time stated by your physician; you should avoid the use of acne creams, odor lotions and soaps.
  • Avoid activities that cause excessive sweating.
  • Avoid too hot places including sauna, Turkish bath; do not visit the places with the risk of infection such as swimming pools.
  • Avoid direct contact of sunrays on your skin in the first week after the procedure.

What is The Price of Cyprus BBL Forever Young?

BBLFor Ever Young is a procedure which involves multiple treatment options in it. It offers several treatment options including skin blemishes, redness, fine lines and skin rejuvenation programs. Face and body pricing are different. Therefore, it is not possible to talk about a standard procedure and pricing when it comes to BBL.

The price will be shared with you by our team according to custom selected therapy protocol that is determined during your complimentary pre-visit with the physician.

To get detailed information about the procedures and make an appointment you can reach Cyprus Medi Clinic at +90392 365 55 56 or 0 (533) 831 1030 or our social media accounts.

Glutathione__Immune Enhancing__


What is Glutathione?

Having strong antioxidant effect, glutathione is known as the youth elixir. It is an effective method which optimally protects and secures health. It eliminates and eases many diseases. The intravenous medication will take effect in a short span of time.

Glutathione is involved in many vital processes in the body including tissue building, repair, building chemicals and proteins needed in the body and the immune system’s regular working. Fighting against the toxic substances such as harmful chemicals and heavy metals in our body, glutathione is also necessary for healthy work of mitochondria which are the power plants of our cells. Besides all these characteristics, glutathione takes its actual power from the activation of the antioxidants in the body. It eliminates the toxic, carcinogen substances and turns them into healthy cells and protects our body from many diseases mainly including cancer without harming our cells and DNA.

What Is The Reason for Glutathione Deficiency?

  • Glutathione is naturally found in the body but it reduces with age. Diseases, toxins in the body lead to the reduction in the glutathione level. The reduction in glutathione in the body causes the wastes which are called free radicals to damage the cells.
  • Modern life’s unhealthy living conditions and malnutrition, toxic substances to which we are exposed in the urban life and the chemicals smelled, high blood glucose, high alcohol consumption, obesity leads to glutathione deficiency.
  • The amount of glutathione reduces due to the increase in the amount of toxin in our body as a result of environmental factors. The increasing amount of toxin in our body as a result of environmental factors will increase the glutathione consumption in the body. Eventually, the amount of glutathione will become insufficient.
  • Excessive anxiety, stress and depression in our daily life also reduce the amount of glutathione.
  • Excessive exercise and excessive sports during the day will reduce the amount of glutathione because it will increase the amount of free radicals in the body. Light workouts and sports will increase the glutathione level.
  • Night’s sleep is one of the most important factors to increase and maintain the level of glutathione. Sleeping late reduces the glutathione level.
  • Long exposure to cell phones reduces the glutathione level.
  • Use of computer and tablet at night, exposure to night lights reduce the melatonin level in the body. Eventually, glutathione level also reduces along with the reduction in the melatonin which is very vital for glutathione.


What Are The Symptoms of Glutathione Deficiency?

Glutathione deficiency brings about chronic fatigue signs, pale skin, excessive loss of strength in the muscles and joints in the body and slowing in the immune system.

Immune system has collapses in mid seasons. Glutathione reduces the level of these collapses in the immune system.

How Is Glutathione Treatment Applied?

It is applied in the form of intravenous serum under the supervision of the physician in a painless way in the clinical environment. Each session lasts about 10-15 minutes. The patient can continue their social life after the procedure.

Glutathione is not taken orally. It does not have any advantages when taken orally because it loses its effect inside the stomach.

Intravenous glutathione directly joins circulation with the blood and eliminates the free radicals in the body.

What Is The Ingredient of Glutathione Serum?

Glutathione consists of three amino acids’ combination.


It is the amino acid that makes protein synthesis. It prevents the destructions in the muscles. It protects the cellular structures. It repairs the muscles and reduces muscle pains. This amino acid is often found in the food supplements used particularly by those engaged in sports.


It is one of the simplest amino acids among those in the body. It is one of the most vital amino acids for the central nervous system. It is used as a treatment in the whole process emerging particularly in Epilepsy patients. Glycine prevents liver damage in people consuming too much alcohol. It contributes to creatine and collagen production.


It is one of the 20 fundamental amino acids within the body. It is an amino acid found in many foods including poultry, meat, garlic, egg and onion. Cysteine is also used in food industry as the flour treatment agent.

How Many Sessions is a Glutathione Treatment?

The number of session in glutathione treatment varies by the person’s age, body structure and health problems. The desired results are usually achieved in 6 sessions. It is recommended to apply glutathione treatment in a cure of 6 sessions (6 weeks) once a week every year in those who do not have any health problems.

Does Glutathione Treatment Have Any Side Effects?

No side effects or risks were observed after the treatment applied to eliminate glutathione deficiency. There are no proven side effects yet.

Who Cannot Have Glutathione Treatment?

It is one of the most vital antioxidants which prevent aging in the body but we cannot apply glutathione treatment on some patients. We cannot apply it on pregnant and nursing women because there is no sufficient scientific data on that. We cannot apply it on the patients who are taking chemotherapy and radiotherapy, either.

What Are The Benefits of Glutathione Treatment?

Glutathione serum treatment reduces the signs of aging as well as reduces the disease rate in the body. The benefits of glutathione for the body can be listed as follows;

  • It offers strong protection against many diseases mainly including infections (common cold, influenza, covid-19, etc.) because it is immune enhancing.
  • It takes away chronic fatigue and gives vitality because it cleanses the body from toxic substances and increases cell renewal.
  • It cleans the nicotine in the blood and reduces the side effects of smoking.
  • It reduces the oxidative stress in the body.
  • It is effective on the treatment of the circulatory system diseases.
  • It eases breathing and promotes the treatment of respiratory diseases. It helps relieve the symptoms of asthma patients.
  • It can be effectively used in autism treatment.
  • It is used in sleep apnea disease.
  • It helps the treatment of skin diseases including psoriasis.
  • It protects against tumor formation and cancer thanks to its antioxidant feature.
  • It plays an active role in the treatment of liver diseases because it promotes renewing the liver.
  • It is a procedure which promotes insulin resistance, thus diabetes treatment.
  • It is effective in woman’s and man’s infertility.
  • It promotes the treatment of Alzheimer disease.
  • It has positive effects on eye diseases such as cataract, glaucoma.
  • It visibly reduces the signs of Parkinson disease.
  • It rejuvenates the metabolism thanks to its detox and antiaging features.
  • It is effective in fatty liver (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis).
  • It eliminates inflammation and strengthens muscles and joints; it promotes the treatment of rheumatic diseases.
  • It promotes the obesity treatment because it promotes the metabolic functioning.
  • It is a supporting procedure in the treatment for allergens.
  • It accelerates cell renewal and evens the skin tone. It renews and rejuvenates the skin.

What is The Price of Cyprus Glutathione Treatment?

The treatment prices vary by the number of sessions or dosage. Therefore, you should schedule a pre-visit with our physician and start your treatment based on the plan created.

To get information about Cyprus Glutathione treatment prices, you can contact us now.

InneaAqua Youth Vaccine


What is InneaAqua Youth Vaccine?

It is a miraculous method which is preferred to give high moisture, elasticity and lifting to the skin through natural ways. The effect is immediately seen after the procedure. It is known as biological lifting, InneaAqua and youth vaccine. It is a reliable method preferred by those who want a natural appearance and do not want to have fillers on their skin. One can renew and repair their skin with this technique without having an artificial appearance.

What Are The Ingredients of InneaAqua?

It is the first and only biological lifting product in stimulating collagen synthesis thanks to the free and cross Hyaluronic acid and Trehalose in it. It is preferred in many age-related skin problems. Trehalose brings moisture to the patient’s skin thanks to its moisture holding capacity. Thus, the skin always stays bright.

On What Circumstances Is Biological Lifting vaccine Made?

  • Biological lifting is preferred in:
  • Saggy skins which has lost its elasticity,
  • Mimics whose effects have lost due to aging,
  • Wrinkled and saggy neck and low neck,
  • Lines on the sides of the lips,
  • Gaps in the cheeks,
  • Skin dehydration,
  • Lines and wrinkles on the hands.

What Good Is InneaAqua Going To Do?

InneaAqua Youth Vaccine is a revolutionary anti-aging procedure which offers several advantages for the skin in a single application. It is an effective biolifting vaccine which meets the needs of tightening, maintaining moisture balance, stretched skin look in a single session which lasts about 30 minutes.

InneaAqua is a practical and comfortable procedure which does not require any recovery period.

How Is InneaAqua Applied?

Biological lifting application procedure lasts about 30 minutes. First, the skin is cleansed and locally anaesthetized. The process starts after 15 minutes rest. 12 points are determined on the face, namely 6 on the left and 6 on the right side of the face. It is applied on the points by the injectors as needed. The result becomes quickly visible during the process.

On Which Areas Is InneaAqua Applied?

  • It is applied on the face in 6+6 points.
  • It is applied on the neck in papules.
  • It is applied on the low neck in papules just like the neck.
  • It is easily applied on the hands. 


When Does InneaAqua Have Its Effect?

It starts to show its effect during the procedure. Its effect continues up to 1 year after the 2nd session which will be applied about 2 weeks after the first one.

How Long Is The Permanence of InneaAqua?

InneaAqua procedure is applied in 2 sessions in 2 weeks intervals. Your physician might change your treatment protocol in some exceptional conditions.

We recommend 2 sessions to see a clear and more permanent result. It would not do any harm to have more sessions.

It can be repeated once a year to improve and maintain the current state.

Does InneaAqua Have Any Side Effects?

The treatment is safe and effective. There will be no severe side effects. It is suitable for everybody at any age regardless of the skin type. Some people might experience slight redness or swelling immediately after the treatment, however these side effects swiftly disappear.

It is not recommended to Pregnant and Nursing women or people with certain severe diseases.

Is There An Ideal Time For InneaAqua?

It can be safely done in any season.

What Are The Prices of Cyprus InneaAqua?

The price of Cyprus InneaAqua varies by the skin problems and the number of sessions. The price could vary by the severity of your skin problem and other procedures to be made together. You can call our clinic to get information about price and make an appointment.


Salmon DNA Therapy

somon dna cyprus medi

What Is Salmon DNA Therapy?

Recently, many therapy methods are developed to strengthen, renew skin structure. Salmon DNA vaccine is one of the most effective methods. Being quite popular, Salmon DNA therapy is one of the anti-aging methods in which pure hyaluronic acid and polynucleotides derived from salmon fish sperms are used for cell renewal in the skin. Salmon fish DNA is one of the best antioxidants.

It is commonly known as youth vaccine. It is commonly preferred as a quite reliable and effective method thanks to its quick vitalizing and rejuvenating effect.

It contains Salmon fish DNA. Salmon fish DNA has the DNA structure which is the most identical to human beings’ DNA. Therefore, when injected to the human being, Salmon DNA affects the DNA structure of the person and strongly stimulates the collagen production and usually further tightens and fills the skin in 3-4 months. It reduces the loss of collagen and lessens the wrinkles including eye contour. Each session, it strengthens the skin structure, increases elasticity and tightness, prevents damage from sunrays.

Salmon DNA method can be used alone as well as combined with PRP, botox and filler.

What Are The Benefits Of Salmon DNA For The Skin?

Salmon DNA has three remarkable benefits for the skin.

  • The first remarkable benefit is the extra moisture for the skin. Salmon DNA contains intense amount of hyaluronic acid. And hyaluronic acid is extremely useful in moisturizing the skin.
  • The second remarkable benefit is that it makes the skin look brighter, luminous and shining. This is thanks to the rich ingredients including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, inorganic salts.
  • The third remarkable benefit is the stimulation of collagen production. There will be visible improvement in the skin sagging.

How Is Salmon DNA Vaccine Applied?

Salmon DNA vaccine does not need general anesthesia because it is a painless procedure. Before the procedure, the area will be cleaned with an antiseptic liquid and locally anesthetized. There will be no pain thanks to local anesthesia.

Salmon DNA therapy is applied subcutaneously by fine botox needles. The process lasts about 20-30 minutes. Its effect starts the following day and the skin rejuvenates and tightening becomes visible.

Which Conditions Require Salmon DNA Therapy?

Salmon DNA youth vaccine can be applied on all patients regardless of gender and age. It is quite common mesotherapy method in eliminating skin problems because it can be applied every season and it is a practical method.

Salmon DNA therapy is required in many conditions. In general, these include;

Salmon DNA therapy is applied in:

  • The treatment for black spots, acne spots on the skin,
  • Correcting the skin structure which deteriorates due to changing hormones in menopause,
  • Skin problems which occur as a result of irregular medication usage and side effects of some medications,
  • Skin glowing loss due to high stress,
  • Reducing the cracks on the skin after pregnancy or weight loss,
  • Improving the hands which wear out due to aging or heavy labor,
  • Eliminating sagging on the inner arm and the knees,
  • Reducing Mimic lines settled,
  • Eliminating orange peel appearance on the skin,
  • Giving moisture to too dry skins,
  • Treatment of wrinkles on the skin due to aging,
  • Giving moisture, brightness, glow to dry skins which need moisture,
  • Treatment of acne scars,
  • Reducing dark circles under the eyes and illuminating under-eye,
  • Treatment of the wrinkles on the neck, low neck and the hands and rejuvenating these areas,
  • Eliminating body cracks.

This procedure is cell renewing and salmon’s milk prevents skin sagging. It reduces loss of elasticity and lessens wrinkles including eye contour and it completely eliminates these wrinkles in time. This procedure is a clinically proven and highly effective protocol.

Salmon DNA procedure prevents radiation damage on the skin and brings smooth, healthy and brighter skin.

Who Cannot Have Salmon DNA Therapy?

Salmon DNA youth vaccine is a skin rejuvenating method which can be usually applied on everybody. However, in some cases, Salmon DNA Vaccine should be avoided. These conditions can be listed as follows;

Application is not recommended in the following patients:

  • Diabetes patients,
  • Patients with the history of embolism and stroke,
  • Patients with blood coagulation disorders,
  • Patients heart diseases,
  • Pregnant and nursing women.


Where Can Salmon DNA Be Applied?

Although it can be applied on any area on the skin which needs moisture, we usually apply it on the forehead, face, eye contour, neck, hands and low neck. It brings glow to the eye contour and it substantially eliminates aging signs.

In Which Season Is Salmon DNA Applied?

It can be applied in every season on all skin types. It notably protects the skin from sunrays if applied before the summer.

How Often And How Many Sessions Should Salmon DNA Therapy Be Applied?

The therapy duration and the number of sessions for Salmon DNA therapy is determined based on the skin analysis made by your physician.

Salmon DNA procedure is usually applied in 4-5 sessions, every 14 days. The number of sessions and the time between the sessions can vary by the skin condition, the patient’s age and the purpose of the procedure. Longer sessions can be applied at later ages and worn out skins. You will be feeling the change and shine on your skin after each session.

When Will Salmon DNA Take Effect?

Salmon DNA therapy takes effect after 3-4 sessions. The increase in the improved collagen production in the skin actually continues after the completion of the therapy. In order to increase the effective duration, it is important to repeat the therapy by one session 1 year after or 1 session every 6 months  after the completion of these 4-5 sessions.

What Are The Things To Be Taken Into Consideration Before Having Salmon DNA Therapy?

Before the date of procedure;

  1. Quit blood thinners,
  2. No alcohol consumption,
  3. Avoid things that would peel or sensitize the skin such as rubbing or peeling,
  4. Avoid the use of the creams containing glycolic acid,
  5. Protect the area from the sun and use sunscreen,
  6. Do not apply makeup on the date of thereapy.

What Are The Things To Be Taken Into Consideration After Salmon DNA Therapy?

Youth DNA vaccine has no harms on the human health. It has also been proven by the studies that it does not pose the risk of allergy. However, there are things to be taken into consideration after the injection process.

  1. Blood thinners should be avoided after the therapy.
  2. It is quite important to protect the skin from sunrays after the therapy. You should definitely go out by putting on a reliable sunscreen.
  3. Things that would peel the skin should be avoided before and after the therapy.
  4. It is quite important to avoid physical contact and water contact with the area so as to prevent any allergic reactions.
  5. No sports allowed during the first 24 hours.
  6. Avoid too hot bath, Turkish bath, sauna, solarium, and too hot water in general to make hyaluronic acid’s life longer.
  7. Quit or minimize smoking and alcohol habits.
  8. It is useful to apply ice to reduce potential redness-bruising complaints after the therapy.
  9. Drink plenty of water.

What Are The Side Effects of Salmon DNA Therapy (Youth Vaccine)?

Having no risk for the health, the therapy does not have any severe side effects.

You do not need to suspend your daily life during the therapy because it does not lead to any scars or symptoms. However, in some cases, sensitive skins can develop small redness, itching, feeling of burn, edema and needle tip related bruising. This is not a severe problem and such redness and bruising will disappear in a half day.

What Are The Prices of Salmon DNA Therapy?

The price of Salmon DNA therapy varies by the skin problems and sessions. You can contact us now to get information about Cyprus Salmon DNA therapy.


Golden Needle (Endymed)


What is ENDYMED?

ENDYMED™ is a revolutionary skin treatment which uses radiofrequency technology to penetrate into the depths of the skin surface. ENDYMED is a nonsurgical procedure which naturally stimulates new collagen production for strong Skin Contouring and Tightening (STC) and Resurfacing (FSR).

ENDYMED is the most popular skin rejuvenating device because it is less interventional and painless. The device makes your skin look younger from exterior to interior.

Cyprus Medi Clinic is proud to offer highly advanced FDA-approved 3DEEP® ENDYMED treatments. 3DEEP radiofrequency technology heats the deeper skin layers and stimulates collagen production and reshaping. This leads to lifting, contouring and repair in the areas treated for visible changes on your skin.

What Are ENDYMED's Areas of Usage?

It achieves superior results in body tightening and shaping, active acne and acne scar reduction, traumatic wounds and ruptures reduction, fractional skin renewal, deep wrinkles reduction and skin tissue improvement.

How Many Sessions Are Needed For ENDYMED (Golden Needle) Procedure?

amliyetsiz yuz germe

It varies from person to person and it is usually sufficient to have 3-session application in one month intervals. It is made in every season both in women and men. It can be applied as a combined treatment with mesotherapy in wrinkle treatment.

How Much Time Does The Process Last?

The duration varies by the area of application. The Golden needle takes 30 minutes, Ifine takes 15-20 minutes and belly area takes about 20-30 minutes.

What Is The Price of ENDYMED?

Treatment prices vary by the area of application and by the number of sessions. Therefore, it will be useful to have a treatment plan created for you through a complimentary pre-visit with our physician.

You can call our center now to get price information about ENDYMED.


Skin PRP

cilt prp nedir

What is PRP?

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injections are prepared by taking anywhere from one tube of your own blood and running it through a centrifuge to concentrate the cells, which help form blood clots and which are called the platelets, in the plasma.

Platelets are blood components which contain ‘growth factors’ that stimulate and increase the number of reparative cells your body produces. When our tissues are damaged, our platelets will clump together to repair it rapidly. The main purpose of PRP is to carry higher number of platelets, than that can be carried through blood circulation under normal conditions, to the targeted tissue. As such, damaged tissue is repaired faster and better because the platelets that are obtained with this method are two to four times more concentrated than those available in the blood.

Where on the Body Can PRP be Injected?

PRP is injected mostly into the face, neck and head. Moreover, it can be administered into other parts of the body such as cleavage, hands, inside legs and arms.

Immediately after PRP, which has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, skin’s glowing and radiant appearance becomes visible.

How is Skin PRP Treatment Administered?

PRP is obtained by running blood, that is taken into special tubes, through centrifuge for the purpose of separation. Platelet rich plasma that is obtained as a result of this procedure is injected into the skin of the patient. Topical anesthetic cream is applied before the injection so that the patient does not feel any pain and can go through the treatment comfortably. The procedure takes only 15 to 20 minutes.

How Many Sessions of Skin PRP Treatment is Recommended?

One course of PRP treatment consists of 4 sessions that are conducted at 2-week intervals. Afterwards, single dose every 6 months is recommended. Full effect is visible after a course of treatment is completed. It restores a youthful radiance and glow to the skin. The healthy and radiant look on the skin may diminish within a certain period of time after the first session. Therefore, repetitive injections must be applied in order to store rejuvenating effect.

How Long Does Effectiveness of the Treatment Last?

Results of one course of treatment last up to a year. Repeating a course of treatment every year is quite beneficial in terms of sustainability of skin’s improvement.

Does PRP Treatment Have Any Side Effects?

As it is obtained from patient’s own blood, it is not an allergen. It does not have any side effects. It is of great prominence that the procedure is performed by experts. Before the procedure, skin and blood analyses must be conducted very carefully and thrombocytes must be prepared in a quality, sterile and appropriate way. It is normal that some redness occurs after the procedure. The site of application should not be washed and must be protected from the sun for twenty-four hours after the procedure.

Who Should Not Get PRP?

Pregnant women, breastfeeding women, people who take anticoagulant drugs, people with collagen tissue diseases and chronic infection diseases should not get PRP.

What are the Benefits and Advantages of PRP Treatment?

It is natural because the repairing and rejuvenating cells that are already found in the body are concentrated and transferred to the part of the body that needs it. As it is obtained from the patient’s own cells, it does not cause allergic reactions. Tissue damages are repaired. It restores elasticity and glow to the area where it is applied. It increases collagen production and has long-lasting effect.

You can communicate your inquiries about PRP procedure to the CyprusMedi team that comprises experts and you can ask for their recommendations. Please do not hesitate to contact us by filling in the contact form that is available on our website or calling us on (+90) 392 365 55 56.

Paris Glow

paris isiltisi

What is Paris Glow (NCTF 135)?

Paris glow is a powerful mesotherapy method that does not require operation, that restores a youthful glow to the face and that is among the anti-aging treatment methods.

Skin rejuvenation is almost on top of the today’s list of needs. Our skin loses its glow over time due to irregular sleeping hours, fatigue, stress causes by life’s hurdles, seasonal differences, aging, damaging effects of sun’s ultraviolet rays, smoking, not drinking enough water and malnutrition.

Fine wrinkles that are formed on our face due to damaging effects of cool air during winter months and due to harmful effects of the sun during summer months. Paris Glow is one of the best anti-aging methods used in our country for brightening and lifting our skin.

What Are the Ingredients of Paris Glow?

Paris glow injection which is a new cell rejuvenation treatment contains 59 refreshing ingredients including hyaluronic acid.

It consists of nutrients which are indispensable for having a smooth and beautiful skin. It contains hyaluronic acid that replenishes moisture; 12 vitamins that stimulate collagen synthesis and, as such, neutralizes free radicals; 24 amino-acids that help protein / elastin / collagen production; 6 coenzymes and 5 nucleic acids that stimulate metabolic reactions; 6 minerals that restores balance of cell metabolism and the components such as glutathione, polysorbate 80, glucuronic acid, glucuronic acid lactone, glucosamine and dextrose which fight against free radicals.

Getting this procedure performed at a professional center will help you have the perfectly smooth skin. It adds glow to the area where it is injected thanks to its rich ingredients. Restoring a more youthful and healthy skin will be a dream come true with Paris glow treatment.

Who is Best Suited for Paris Glow?

Paris glow is suitable for people with wrinkles on their skin, whose skin has lost its elasticity and with dry, dull and tired skin. Paris glow is an effective method of treatment which is applied specially to reverse the effects of aging, gravity and harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Both women and men can get this procedure done.

Where on the Body Can Paris Glow Be Injected?

Paris Glow treatment can be applied to areas which show signs of aging such as face, arm, neck, cleavage and under-eyes. It provides the body with minerals and vitamins required to restore elasticity and collaged the skin needs. It can be applied at any age, in any season and for all skin types.

How is Paris Glow Procedure Performed?

Special content that is prepared is injected into the areas that are chosen for treatment. The results of the treatment are visible immediately after the injection however they become fully apparent within a couple of days.

It does not prevent people from going back to normal life so much so that they can get this procedure done easily even during a lunch break. Nanosoft feature of the Paris Glow procedure ensures that the patient can go through the process comfortably without ever getting concerned about having bruises or edema. The procedure must be definitely conducted under the supervision of a physician.

What Effects Does Paris Glow Have?

Paris glow provides proven results after the fifth session. Glow has been enhanced by 144% in 88% of the cases. Moisture has been replenished by 132% in 83 percent of the cases, uneven texture has been smoothened by 52%, wrinkles have been eliminated by 33% and pores have been minimized by 59%.

The new formula, which brightens and refreshes the skin even at a single session as its name suggests, is a highly effective treatment method that is administered to fight against the effects of aging in cellular terms.

The application intervals of Paris Glow are as follows: 3 sessions individually performed at 15-day intervals and afterwards, 2-session procedure individually performed at 1-month interval. This plan has been observed to visible improve skin quality and reduce wrinkles which are signs of aging.

  • Stage 1 INITIATION

  • Stage 2 REPAIRMENT

  • Stage 3 STABILIZATION are the goals of the procedure.

We recommend maintenance sessions to be conducted once every 6 months in order to preserve the positive effect.

This procedure that enhances strength and radiance of the skin repairs fine lines on the skin and becomes visible within approximately two days.

How Much Does Cyprus Paris Glow Cost?

For further information about the prices of Paris glow, please do not hesitate to contact us immediately.


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Our Premium Services for Our Patients Who Come from Abroad



Airport Transfer

havalimani transfer

We welcome you at the airport and ensure that you have an easy transfer between connecting trips with our VIP vehicles.

Hotel Reservation

otel rezervasyon

We ensure comfort of our patients, who come to Cyprus from abroad, by having them accommodate in our best contracted hotels.


Flight Organization

ucak rezervasyon

Your flight is organized by our secretary and the most convenient and time is set for you.

Interpretation Services

ucak rezervasyon

We have interpreters who can interpret in every language so that our patients can express their desires and needs accurately during both their trip and operation process.

Contact Us

Cyprusmedi Medical Aesthetics and Beauty Clinic - FAMAGUSTA

Address: Mustafa Kemal Bulvarı, New Life Apt. (Yaşam Hastanesi Yanı) Floor:2, 01960 Famagusta

+90 (392) 365 55 56

+90 (533) 831 10 30

Email: [email protected]


Cyprusmedi Medical Aesthetics and Beauty Clinic - NICOSIA

Address: Omag Plaza, Nazım Hikmet Cad. Kat :1 Daire No:3, Metehan / Nicosia

Working Hours

Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 19:30

Saturday: 09:00 - 19:30

Sunday: Closed