What is Botox?

kibris botoks

Botox (Botulinum Toxin) is a poisonous neurotoxin that contains purified protein and that is made in a laboratory medium from a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum which is found in nature. However, it does not give any harm to people as it is applied in extremely small doses. Botox exerts its effect by cleaving key proteins required for nerve-muscle transmission system and, as such, prevents the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Therefore, it weakens striated muscles temporarily.

As it is a long-lasting muscle relaxant, it has begun to be used in cosmetic sector to reduce wrinkles on the face that occur as a result of moving mimic muscles and to prevent wrinkles and lines that may occur. Its effect lasts approximately for 4 to 6 months after the procedure. As Botox is a procedure that takes only 10 to 15 minutes to perform and that does not limit daily activities of the patient, it is very popular.

Botox is most effective against dynamic wrinkles and lines while fillers are used to eliminate static wrinkles and lines. Combinations of Botox and filler procedures can be used for medical aesthetic interventions.

Thanks to the procedures that are conducted by professional experts in our center, one can get rid of their wrinkles, which are undesirable conditions on the face and restore a more youthful and energetic appearance.

Books Brands

While there are different Botox brands available on the world market, two types of Botox brands are quite popular in our country, which are Botox® and Dysport®. Both brands are FDA-approved and effectively and safely used for treatment of wrinkles.

For Which Conditions Botox Can Be Used?

  • Treatment of Wrinkles
  • Reshaping the Face
  • Treating Excessive Sweating
  • Treating Migraine
  • Fixing Gummy Smile

Contact Us

Cyprusmedi Medical Aesthetics and Beauty Clinic - FAMAGUSTA

Address: Mustafa Kemal Bulvarı, New Life Apt. (Yaşam Hastanesi Yanı) Floor:2, 01960 Famagusta

+90 (392) 365 55 56

+90 (533) 831 10 30

Email: [email protected]


Cyprusmedi Medical Aesthetics and Beauty Clinic - NICOSIA

Address: Omag Plaza, Nazım Hikmet Cad. Kat :1 Daire No:3, Metehan / Nicosia

Working Hours

Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 19:30

Saturday: 09:00 - 19:30

Sunday: Closed