Laser Hair Removal

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What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is permanent removal of the unwanted hair in the most general sense. In this method, intense energy rays are sent to the hair roots by means of a special laser device. These rays heats and destroys hair roots and prevents the growth of hair again. It is a fast and very easy procedure. It is one of the widely used aesthetic procedures. The procedure is usually applied in sessions.

What are the Types of Laser Hair Removal?


Alexandrite Laser: It produces laser light at a wavelength of 755nm. The session takes a short time because the hair is destroyed quickly in this type of laser, it is usually pain-free and it is preferred by those with light skin color in particular.

Diode Laser: It produces laser light at a wavelength of 810nm. It is advantageous because it can be applied in thin hair as well.

Nd-Yag Laser: It produces laser light at a wavelength of 1064nm. It is safer to be used for those with dark skin color because burnt risk is less than other lasers.


What is Ice Laser Hair Removal?

Ice Laser is a general name given to the lasers working at a wavelength of 810 nm. It is also known as Diode laser. Being a technological breakthrough in the hair removal industry, ice laser hair removal heats and destroys the hair roots while it prevents pain and damage thanks to its cooling effect. It can reach the sub-layers of the skin thanks to the method which is called ironing. Thus, it enables an effective therapy in the deeper hair roots. You can safely have ice laser hair removal procedure applied at our clinic in Famagusta, Cyprus.


  • It is effective for thin and light colored hair.
  • It is suitable for all types of skin.
  • It is not applied through fixed shots but by sweeping on the skin just like ironing.
  • Gel is used.
  • It can be applied in any season.
  • Pain is almost none.
  • The possibility of spots on the skin is less than other procedures.

So, Which Device Should Be Preferred?

Well, our choice would be FDA approved SANO 2000W diode laser which is a combination of Alex + Diode + NdYag.

SANO DIODE LASER has the ice laser technology which can simultaneously give 3 different currents to the tissue and can reach the deepest of the hair follicles in a wavelength of 1064 nanometers. It is different from and more effective than all other laser hair removal devices because it has Alex, Diote and Ndyag currents. Thanks to its wavelength, it is able to notice the thinnest hair, the thickest hair regardless of the skin color.

Most importantly, it can be applied 4 seasons. While all other devices require a break in summer, SANO DIODE LASER can be applied without any breaks in summer.

Thanks to all these, you can comfortably prefer SANO DIODE LASER.

On what areas can Laser Hair Removal be applied?

Laser hair removal can be applied on all areas with unwanted hair. Intranasal, eye and eye contour are the areas where laser hair removal is avoided. Face, armpit, the whole leg, bikini line, back, neck, chest, the whole arm, ears, moustache, chin, hands, feet, hip and buttocks are the most frequently preferred areas for laser hair removal.

How is Laser Hair Removal Made?

lazer epilasyon

First of all, a pre-assessment is made based on your skin type and intensity of the hair. And then, the area of application is cleansed and the ice laser is properly glided on the area of application just like ironing. In this process, the hair roots are destroyed by applying heat through laser. After the session, the skin is relieved by applying a cooling gel on the skin.

How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Procedure Take?

The duration of the laser hair removal session depends on the size of the area of application, skin and hair structure and preferred method. The laser hair removal applied on the whole body takes about 45-50 minutes while regional applications take 5-10 minutes.

How Many Sessions are needed in Laser Hair Removal Procedure?

Laser hair removal applications are usually repeated once a month on the face, and once in 1-2 months on the body. After each session, the results obtained are evaluated and additional sessions can be made according to the needs. Usually minimum 4-8 sessions are needed to obtain the desired results depending on the hair structure, skin color, area of application, the expertise of the person applying the procedure, device quality, regularity of the procedure etc. factors. Usually 5-6 sessions are enough to obtain the desired results depending on the hair and skin structure. Being a comfortable option for the removal of unwanted hair, laser hair removal permanently eliminates all hair in 5-6 sessions at 1-1.5 months’ interval.

How is Laser Hair Removal Applied to Men?

Hair removal has been mostly preferred by men in the recent times. Men obtain better results than women in laser hair removal therapy. This is because men have higher level of melanin, thus their hair roots are more visible.

Men mostly prefer laser hair removal for their back and chest. Those who do not want to shave themselves all the time prefer laser hair removal for cheekbone, area between the eyebrows, back of the neck, and neck.

Cyprus Medi Clinic in Famagusta, Cyprus applies ice laser hair removal for men under the supervision of a doctor and in company with a specialist aesthetician.

Is It Painful to have Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal procedure is a pain-free operation. There could be pins and needles, temporary pinprick or very low sense of electric shock.

There are also those feeling high pain as an exception. In such cases, local anesthesia can be applied on the area of application.

What are the things to be Considered before Laser Hair Removal?

  • You should avoid cream or cosmetic products on the skin before coming to laser hair removal.
  • Sunbathing or exposure to sun should be avoided one month before the procedure.
  • Epilating wax should be avoided before and during the application period of laser hair removal procedure.
  • You should avoid procedures which remove the hair from the hair roots such as tweezers, epilators or epilating wax for minimum 20 days before the laser hair removal procecure so that the laser rays can see the hair root during the procedure.
  • You should avoid solarium or sunbathing under the sun minimum 1 month before the laser hair removal procedure.
  • Before the procedure you should absolutely let us know about any medications you are taking, any skin disorders or chronic diseases.
  • You should avoid chemical peeling products and processes 15 days before the procedure. The skin should be protected against any injury.
  • The hair should have been shortened by razor blade 1 day before the session.
  • There should be no wounds and beauty spots on the area of application.
  • Any makeup on the face should be cleaned before the laser hair removal procedure to be applied on the face.

What are the things to be Considered after Laser Hair Removal Procedure?

You should consider the following advice to protect your skin and let it healthily recover after the laser hair removal procedure:

  1. Sun protection: After laser hair removal, the skin becomes more sensitive to the sun. therefore, it is important to take sun protection measures 4-6 weeks after the procedure.
  2. Moisturizing: Moisturizing after the procedure makes your skin relieve and recover quickly. Moisturize your skin regularly by using a moisturizing cream that is recommended by your specialist.
  3. Not itching and not shaving: It is normal to see re-growth of the hair on the area of application after the laser hair removal procedure. During this time, try not to itch and not to shave your hair.
  4. Regular sessions: In order to obtain permanent results, you should complete the number of sessions advised by your specialist and follow the time between the sessions. This way, you can increase the efficiency of the laser hair removal procedure and obtain more satisfying results.
  5. Additional care products: After the laser hair removal procedure, you can use the special care products recommended by your specialist in order to minimize any sensitivity and redness on the skin.
  6. Post-procedure activities: After the laser hair removal procedure, you should avoid intense exercise and sports activities in order to prevent sweating and friction on the area of application.

Why is Skin Color important in Laser Hair Removal Procedure?

Laser rays have to see the hair roots in order to hold the melanin, which is the substance giving color to the hair root. Laser rays have difficulty in seeing the hair roots in people with lighter skin because those people usually have lower level of melanin. And this leads to late results. Darker hair roots speeds up results in people with lighter skin. The reason why laser hair removal is more effective in people with dark skin is because the laser rays are able to see the hair roots due to higher level of melanin. And this leads to faster results and faster removal of hair roots. Thus, the laser hair removal procedure is more effective in people with dark and sunbathed skin.

Will There Be Any Scars after the Laser Hair Removal Procedure?

After the laser hair removal procedure, there will be temporary slight redness on the skin. That redness disappears max 1 hour after the procedure. After the procedure, solarium or sunbathing will lead to dark or light scars on the skin because of pigmentation issue. You should adhere to the things to be considered after the procedure in order to avoid such scars. Usually, there are no permanent scars after the laser hair removal procedure.

Which Cream Should Be Used After the Laser Hair Removal Procedure?

After the procedure, if you need to stay under the sun, you should use high factor sunscreens. For sensitive skins, you can use creams which eliminate the slight pain after the laser hair removal procedure.

How Long Does it Take to See the Hair Drop after Laser Hair Removal Procedure?

The hair is usually seen again in 3 - 4 days. The hair begins to drop in 15 - 20 days. To speed-up the drop, you can rub the area during the shower with a bath-glove which is not too hard. And no new hair grows for 4- 6 weeks. Newly grown hair indicates the time for a new session.

Does Laser Hair Removal Completely Remove the Hair?

After all sessions of laser hair removal are completed, the hair continues to grow thinly and little. The growing hair should not be shaved by wax, tweezers, epilator and razor blade. You should avoid the procedures which will pull off the hair roots.

At the end of regular sessions, it will be useful to have care sessions once or twice a year.

What are the Prices of Ice Laser Hair Removal in Cyprus?

The prices of laser hair removal may vary based on the device, method used during the procedure, the number of sessions and the areas of application. There are many centers and clinics applying laser hair removal with different prices in Cyprus. Although you have many options in this field, you should prefer the clinics which work under the supervision of a doctor in order to obtain more permanent and reliable results.

You can contact us now to learn more about laser hair removal prices.

Contact Us

Cyprusmedi Medical Aesthetics and Beauty Clinic - FAMAGUSTA

Address: Mustafa Kemal Bulvarı, New Life Apt. (Yaşam Hastanesi Yanı) Floor:2, 01960 Famagusta

+90 (392) 365 55 56

+90 (533) 831 10 30

Email: [email protected]


Cyprusmedi Medical Aesthetics and Beauty Clinic - NICOSIA

Address: Omag Plaza, Nazım Hikmet Cad. Kat :1 Daire No:3, Metehan / Nicosia

Working Hours

Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 19:30

Saturday: 09:00 - 19:30

Sunday: Closed